Mass Decks
Fire Emblem: Awakening
Collecting Fire Emblem: Awakening
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myunit / shepherds (40/40)
You are the wind at my back and the sword at my side.
brandless / young (40/40)
I mean, yeah, I like him, but I LOVE you!
thewary / tripping (40/40)
My heart is yours, milady. Now and forever, if you would only but claim it.
archest / erudite (40/40)
You will meet a charming rogue who is madly in love with you.
no-nonsense / thevaike (40/40)
Well?! Are you going to give me the ring or stand here like a damn fool?!
cowlick / pining (40/40)
We played in exquisite harmony and every note was perfect.
minerva / unnoticed (40/40)
Heck, I don’t care if rocks fall on my head, as long as you’re with me!
gynophobia / taguel (40/40)
Taguel or human—it matters not to me. You are just the woman I love.
elocution / warmonk (40/40)
This marks a second time your words have changed the course of my life.
oversleeper / sweeten (40/40)
But I know if I try really hard, I’ll eventually become the kind of woman you like.
So that’s what I’m gonna do. Even if it takes a hundred years!
gruesome / hexes (40/40)
Nya ha! Oh, I don’t care—as long as you’re happy, that’s all that matters.
mesmerizing / pot (40/40)
Donnel, any gift from you has the power to make this princess smile.
extinct / parallel (40/40)
You taught me what real strength is, and I learn more from you every day.
missiletainn / questioning (40/40)
If you’re willing to put up with me, I can certainly learn how to treat you right!
epichero / sensitive (40/40)
I’m crazy for ya. Always have been!
gawds / self-driven (40/40)
Argh! Just forget it! You can ponder it over homemade stew every night for the rest of your life...
gallant / minervykins (40/40)
Maybe we can do it together. Train? Grow strong?
Then we’ll both be powerful enough to protect each other. Would that be so bad?
elucidator / hexed (40/40)
Hearing you expose my flaws and deride me made me happier than I have ever been.